Accessories for solar battery chargers
Accessories for solar battery chargers - displays, temperature sensors, Bluetooth dongle
Interface from BlueSolar PWM-Pro to USB
Temperatore sensor for BlueSolar PWM-Pro Charge Controller
Display for CA, CML, CML-NL, Phocos range of controllers.
Temperature sensor for Tristar Controllers
Display for CXN range of Phocos controllers
Remote display for BlueSolar PWM-Pro victron solar charger
View live status information, including solar watts, battery voltage, charge current, load current and more.
View historical information
A. All-time values
B. 30-day historical values
Communication interface between CX/CXN/MPM and PC's USB port
Display for BlueSolar DUO12/24V-20A Victron charger
The meter will display a great deal of information about the TriStar controller and the operation of your system. In addition, the meter enables manual functions and controller diagnostics. These capabilities will increase your confidence that the system is working properly and will help you to improve system reliability, battery life, and system performance. It is worth the time getting to know your meter!